Trying, with C.S. Lewis

Quotes for Thought.

Zachary Grafman
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readJul 1, 2021


Photo by James Cousins on Unsplash

Many things — such as loving, going to sleep, or behaving unaffectedly — are done worst when we try hardest to do them. ~ C.S. Lewis

To reach a goal, you must stop obsessing over progress. Self-consciousness prevents us from focusing on the small things that need our attention because we are totally focused on ourselves.

If you want to grow, the only way is showing up little by little. Then, think about something else.

Worrying and comparing yourself to others is a distraction from your real work. How do you make a plant grow? Consistently add the right ingredients, then leave it alone.

Relax. True growth can’t be hurried or skipped. But it’s also unstoppable.

I wrote about this same idea over here, I think you’ll enjoy it!



Zachary Grafman
The Shortform

Married, dad of 3, balancing 5 or so roles every day. Writing about working and living on purpose. Let’s do this.